Church News: April 2020

We were all set to go with the normal news of what’s been happening and what events and services we have planned when the Coronavirus hit the UK and has made such an impact on every-day life.

We have been closely following advice from HM Government and the Church of England and as a result we have sadly cancelled or postponed all Services and Events at St. James until further notice. This is especially sad as we are in the period of Lent when we would have had several special services leading up to the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.

This means we will not be able to deliver News from the Pews for the time being. Notices and news will be on our Web Page and our page on a Church Near You.

We will miss getting together to worship and to socialise and look forward to being able to put services and events back on. We have had one event before the Virus struck when we welcomed TV presenter and author Pam Rhodes to Pulloxhill, and she led a great evening where she introduced and talked about many of the hymns we all know and enjoy. It really gives more meaning to the words when you hear what was going on in the lives of the people who wrote these words. It was also good to welcome back Toddington Town Band who accompanied our singing and led us in singing with gusto. And thank you too to Linda and the Catering Team who provided the refreshments and to everyone who set up and cleared up.

Please don’t think that because we are not in the church building Church has closed. Church is very much the people of God rather than the building and we are looking at ways we can worship and join with one another to do so outside of the lovely old building. You will find information about these on our Web Page and on A Church Near You. An example is the Call to Prayer on Sunday when anyone is invited to pray and to put a candle in their window to show that the light of Christ is never extinguished.

Members of the Ministry Team and other Priests will be holding services with Church Wardens in line with our normal pattern of worship. They will be doing this at 11am on 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays and at 6pm on 2nd Sunday of each month. These are not open to anyone but the Priest and Church Warden to attend to protect everyone including our Ministry Team. They are willing to email out documents so that we can share in services by reading them ourselves at home at the same time they are being said by our Ministry Team. Liz Shortland will be emailing people who have given us contact details to share the first such service. If you wish to receive more of the services by email please let Liz know or if you haven’t received an email but would like to receive them please contact her on 07922 08912.

If you need to speak about a funeral or wedding please do contact our Church Warden Brian Brown - details on the web pages.

We will miss meeting and being together but will continue to pray and worship. Please do look at the ideas we post and join in. We pray that you will all know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit - today and always.