Coffee Morning – 23 March 2024

Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning- Pulloxhill – 23 March 2023 Please join us for a Coffee Morning in Pulloxhill Church Hall from 10:30 to 12:30 on 23 March 2024. Bacon/Sausage/Egg Rolls Cakes Tea and Coffee There’ll also be Raffle, Anne’s Tombola and Liz’s Quiz Hope to see you there

Agape Meal – 28 March 2024

Agape Meal

Agape Meal – Pulloxhill – 28 March 2023 Please join us for an Agape Meal (Lamb tagine) on Maundy Thursday at 6pm in Pulloxhill Church Hall. Following the meal, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 7pm Everyone is welcome Please let your Churchwardens know if you would like to eat with us.

Desert Island Hymns – 23 July

Desert Island

Desert Island Hymns – Pulloxhill – 23 July 2023 Please do come and be part of Desert Island Hymns at Pulloxhill Church on the evening of Sunday 23rd July 2023. A glass of bubbly will be served from 5.30pm and at 6pm we will hear the stories, sing the favourite hymns and hear readings from … Read more

HRH the Duke of Edinburgh

His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh It is with great sadness that we received the news of the death of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Our prayers are offered for Her Majesty the Queen and members of the Royal Family at this time, and for all who are grieving this loss. We … Read more

Monday: For schools and colleges, children and young people

We pray for all those involved in the shaping of young lives.

We give God thanks for the sacrifice and commitment of teachers and all those involved in serving children and young people in education.

We pray that all might be nurtured and cared for and that every needful resource would be made available – that all lives can flourish even in these difficult times and that no-one would be overlooked.

Sunday: For family, friends and loved ones

We lift to God those we hold in our hearts – praying for their health, their well-being and their sense of hope.

We pray that even when loved ones cannot physically be together they would not feel apart.

We ask for God’s help in our communicating, our connecting and our caring.

Saturday: For all who are grieving, and all suffering with physical and mental ill-health

‘Lord the one you love is ill ….. ‘ John 1 1 v3

We bring to God all those who suffer in body, mind, spirit or with grief.

We ask that in God’s great loving kindness they might know God’s sustaining presence amidst their pain.

We pray for those who are stretched beyond their own capacity to cope and remain hopeful – that in the roar of these waterfalls God would bring a sense of coherence, comfort and strength.